A massive failure in the electrical interconnection system left Argentina and Uruguay without power, according to reports by local media.
According to Infobae, an Argentinian website, the country has been in the dark for more than an hour, and all trains are suspended.
Local media said the blackout started at around 12:00 GMT (07:00 local time).
Electricity supplier company Edesur Argentina said in a tweet: “A massive failure in the electrical interconnection system left Argentina and Uruguay without power.”
“Never has anything like this happened before,” Alejandra Martinez, a spokeperson for the company told Infobae.
Una falla masiva en el sistema de interconexión eléctrica dejó sin energía a toda la Argentina y Uruguay. Ampliaremos con más información. #SinLuz #CortedeLuz
— Edesur Argentina (@OficialEdesur) June 16, 2019
Social media reports on the blackout were widespread.
“Huge blackout in Argentina: the City, the Province of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe were left in the dark,” a news agency posted on Twitter.
Gigantesco apagón en la Argentina: la Ciudad, la Provincia de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe se quedaron a oscuras https://t.co/nSOEYiQ5gg pic.twitter.com/gBlDCfDWI5
— TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) June 16, 2019
“What’s happening with this blackout,” a user on Twitter asked the government.
Qué pasa con este apagón @OficialEdesur ? pic.twitter.com/v61MV9iqE1
— Gisela (@gigita10ok) June 16, 2019
Al Jazeera and news agencies
from Viral News Reports http://bit.ly/2wZ29CV