The fight to reclaim holy ground from Steve Bannon

Hrvoje Horvat

Bravo Bannon. Undemocratic liberal marxists-fasists must be defeated in Europe.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:29 AM CET

Anton Lauridsen

I cannot help but wonder about the naivety of European Bannon proponents.

He is one of the founders of the MAGA (Make America Great Again) policy. Those supporting Bannon is clearly working for MEHT-MAGA (Make Europe Help To Make America Great Again). Talk about being self-defeatist.

How can any European Nationalist even conceive of subscribing to weaken Europe and strengthen the US?

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:58 AM CET

contango one

so two hundred cultural marxist anti western kumbayas staged a protest for half an hour; how is this important in the general scheme of things

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:00 AM CET

Anton Lauridsen

“cultural marxist anti western kumbayas”

Is this the best meme you guys in St. Petersberg can come up with. Come on guys, you used to be creative, inventive, divisive. Now, not so much, you really need to get your act together.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:14 AM CET

r s

An Academy for populists? I love the idea:
working with stolen data,
bending the facts,
colluding with enemy powers,
bribes technicalities
Advanced Courses:
killing journalists,
concentration camps construction

Posted on 3/17/19 | 9:28 AM CET

contango one

@ Anton

hey anton amigo; i know its typicall anti west cultural marxist kumbaya truth denial practice to accept axiomatically that anything pro western, patriotic anti muslem invading stance/argument/thesis HAS to be coming out of st petersburg right?

sure i can understand that; denial is a powerful force

so petersburg this: on may 26 we’re standing u to be counted

and on the 27 the number that’s be coming out of that count is gonna be yours and the rest of the left liberal kumbaya pricks worst godamned nightmare

D-Day minus 71

Posted on 3/17/19 | 12:36 PM CET

Richard Rudkin


Divert peoples attention away, getting them to focus on the ” foreigners”, whilst creating a Kleptocracy. That is at the bottom of populism.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 12:36 PM CET

Anton Lauridsen

@contango one
“on may 26 we’re standing u to be counted

and on the 27 the number that’s be coming out of that count is gonna be yours and the rest of the left liberal kumbaya pricks worst godamned nightmare”

I so long for 2016-17, back then you guys had style, now … mehh, not so much. Back then I thought you posed a real threat to democracy, now all I see your desperation. Sad really.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 12:55 PM CET


This story contains so many false statements I’m not sure it was not written by bannoff himself! Banning is of no significance and trump was a failure not a success it got three million less votes than Hillary! Bannoff doesn’t even have a Party other than politico’s constant promotion he has nothing!!

Posted on 3/17/19 | 1:07 PM CET

Anton Lauridsen

@Richard Rudkin
I completely agree. I cannot think of one example where populists have been able to create anything except chaos. Look at the Brexit, Washington, Rome, Hungary, Poland.

Chaos, kleptocracy, corruption. I sincerely believe that their footsoldiers are well-intentioned. What they don’t realize is that they are being played by ultra-rich moneymakers.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 1:16 PM CET

Henri Clement

Bannon is a none subject in Europe.
No credibility, just a wacko like Roger Stone.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 2:59 PM CET

Johann M. Wolff

@Anton Lauridsen

Well, will millions of illiterate middle easterners with large families, mainly on benefits, make us more competitive against the U.S. ?

Posted on 3/17/19 | 3:22 PM CET

maciek maciek

Well, Europeans know this liberal left that is so liberal, it denies existence to anything right of it.
Cultural Marxists and plain commies will get a boot coming May and the EU institutions will turn democratic and will work for Europeans again.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 3:46 PM CET

Anton Lauridsen

@Johann M. Wolff
“Well, will millions of illiterate middle easterners with large families, mainly on benefits, make us more competitive against the U.S. ?”

Could you please explain to me in what way or form I have made any comment about immigration/refugee policies, for/against/up/down or any other direction?

This is an obvious straw man argument!

Straw man argument:
“Debaters invoke a straw man when they put forth an argument—usually something extreme or easy to argue against—that they know their opponent doesn’t support. You put forth a straw man because you know it will be easy for you to knock down or discredit. It’s a way of misrepresenting your opponent’s position.”

Posted on 3/17/19 | 4:08 PM CET

Anton Lauridsen

@Johann M. Wolff

What I have stated is that it doesn’t make sense for Europeans to support Bannon, he is an American with the stated goal of Making America Great Again and America First. If America is first, then Europe can at best be second. So any European supporting Bannon is implicit seeking to disadvantage Europe.

I have also stated that populism has in no known instances – where they have achieved political influence – been able to solve the issues they raised but have rather led to a state of confusion, corruption or kleptocracy.

Viz. Brexit
They have not been able to come to an internal agreement about anything. A deal, no-deal, what kind of deal, a second referendum. WTO schedules, nothing, nada. NATO – No Action, Talk Only.

Viz Washington.
They’ve managed to cast each and every one of their allies into confusion about what their goals are. They’ve increased their public debt by 50%. They’ve cut their tax revenue without cutting their spending. ~50% of their public offices are run by placeholders because they’ve been unable to find “acceptable” candidates.

Rome: Have they managed to organize the garbage collection in the city?

Poland+Hungary: These places are such heavens for the populace that they have their citizens waiting in line to emigrate. Government contracts are on a habitual basis being awarded to the financial backers of Fidezs and PiS.

I sincerely believe that the majority of their supporters are buying into the cr#¤¤# these so-called breaths of fresh air is spouting, unfortunately, it is obvious that they solve no problems while they enrich themselves.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 4:59 PM CET

Robert Consuelo

Bannon is Evil Trump’s agent, sent to Europe to destroy common sense and logic (whatever is left of it), to divide Europe so Trump can conquer and subjugate their economies, and to saw dissent, and embolden white supremacists, racists and fascists. True Evil! He must be stopped by ANY means available from implementing the Stalinist agenda of his boss.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 5:12 PM CET

Luk McGonagall

>Bravo Bannon. Undemocratic liberal marxists-fasists must be defeated in Europe.

And replaced by the shining example of Putin democratic system?

Posted on 3/17/19 | 6:51 PM CET

maciek maciek

Some left-wing totalitarian said “We need instead to fight the emergence of this black wave of ultra-conservative movements across Europe and help support European values.”

It’s typical Marxists’ trick of twisting facts and changing the meaning of words.

Europe is actually under attack of the black waves, from the south.

What lefties present today as European values derive mostly from Marxism which originated from the people of ME culture and was imposed on Europeans by them.

European values derive from Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:10 PM CET

Peter 2

Who is funding Bannon?
Any ideas?

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:15 PM CET

Johann M. Wolff

@Anton Lauridsen

Yo, because what you support is red-green. Perhaps the Poles and the Hungarians already figured it out that “better poor than moor”.

And emigration from those countries started when they adhered to the EU, regardless what government they had, due to the 40 years of socialism they went through.
Currently a Hungarian working in financial services has almost the same net salary like mine, just the gross is different as I have to prop up the welfare state with 47-50% from my gross, they pay 16%.

Yes, looking at the 60% of “vegetarians” in the viennese kindergartens, I’m saving for a home in northern Poland at the sea side.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:17 PM CET

Johann M. Wolff

@Luk McGonagall

Because the red-red-green government currently heading Berlin and intending to expropriate multiple home owners are the shining example of democracy ?
Never mind that they misguided ideals have to be popped up by eur 6bn paid to Berlin by Bavaria and Ba-Wu.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:21 PM CET

maciek maciek

Anton Lauridsen

You do not find “cultural marxist anti western kumbayas” attractive enough.
Perhaps communist will suit you better, my dear St. Petersburg expert?

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:22 PM CET

A Lauridsen

@maciek maciek
I find both “cultural marxist anti western kumbayas” and “communist” naive, uninventive and severely lacking in creativity.

First, because they are obvious ploys to preach to the converted. No one can, based on the arguments I have provided, assume anything about my political leanings, except that I’m not a great fan of rightwing populist balderdash.

Claiming that opposition to foreign involvement into European national politics is “cultural marxist anti western kumbayaism” and “communistic” is simply absurd. Anyone believing name calling on that level has to be somebody who has already drunk too much of your specific brand of cool-aid.

Ergo, you are preaching to the converted, which isn’t that bright an idea.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 7:44 PM CET

Sherrod Tyler

The disgusting alcoholic rapist Bannon needs to go back to America and stop meddling in European affairs.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:00 PM CET

Peter Monta

Please, ethic and race based nationalism is not purely a right wing phenomena. It has many adherents on the left. Furthermore any success Bannon has with Trump was precisely because Bannon realized that racism had appeal to factions on the left and right.
Regardless of whether they get the abby or not, it will still be a hive of feral cats.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:00 PM CET

Robert Consuelo

Is Trump funding this far-right populist nobody ?! He tries to give the impression that only him, on his own is interfering in Europe’s internal politics, but is there a chance that he is funded and supported by the US government? An investigation in the US Congress should be opened immediately to investigate Trump and his involvement with Steve Bannon activities in Europe.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:02 PM CET

bony diver

How interesting to note EU funding for this tiny anti populist group of culture communists. Steve tells it like it is whether you agree with him or not. Of course the germanized communists led by herr merkel, field marshall schultz and kommander selmar of commissar tusk and junker don’t like it when their Europe wide concentration kamps for the people of Europe is exposed who then wield the swords of bans, threats and pack of lies covered in obfuscations.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:02 PM CET

maciek maciek

Johann M. Wolff

“I’m saving for a home in northern Poland at the sea side.”

I have a vacation house on Drawa river one hour drive from the Baltic sea coast and I know the area quite well so if you decide for a house search trip to Poland I can offer you some useful tips with pleasure.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:10 PM CET

Sherrod Tyler

@Johann M Wolf So have you moved to Hungary yet if you think they make more money and pay less taxes(which in reality is not true) and it’s such a nationalist Utopia…or because you wanna live up to your slogan of “better to be poor than Moor” whatever that means…Btw, they have a welfare state too, that has to be paid for by high taxes…while income taxes are flat there are high taxes on everything else too including cars, assets, a 27% VAT, etc…meanwhile the healthcare system is underfunded and continues to be on the brink of collapse due to staff emigrating, public education continues to decline and pensioners barely get by while Orban and his friends get richer and richer from the people’s money. A Utopia indeed.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:12 PM CET

Magyar Lazac

@ Anton Lauridsen
Bravo for both your comments and stamina in providing fact based rejoinders to the ‘populist’ sycophants of Trump, Farage, Orban and the rest of their ilk despite the fact that it’s placing pearls before swine.

Posted on 3/17/19 | 8:23 PM CET

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