Teenager Rahaf al-Qunun has grabbed the world’s attention for defying a strict social code in Saudi Arabia.
She said she feared for her life if she was returned home and launched a Twitter campaign from her hotel room in Thailand pleading for help.
The United Nations granted her refugee status and Canada offered her asylum and a new home.
Her case may complicate already strained relations with Saudi Arabia.
Canada had previously angered Riyadh by calling for the release of women’s rights activists from Saudi jails.
Will this encourage other women to speak up, or will more try and follow her out of the country?
Presenter: Nick Clark
Noha Abou-el-Dahab – visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center.
Bessma Momani – professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo
Omaima Al Najjar – Saudi political refugee who fled the country in 2013.
Source: Al Jazeera News
from Viral News Reports http://bit.ly/2SS87Px